
Batch mass VAT number validations for due dates. Add VAT numbers in bulk or append VAT numbers incrementally to your existing batch process, then start it whenever required.

You can use batches to perform VAT number validations in bulk. It’s also possible to run a batch from your dashboard. Once you start the validation process, Vatstack will automatically create validation objects for each query you had added to the batch. Batches can be used and maintained flexibly according to your business requirements:

Start the validation process immediately:

  • ​Create a new batch object (POST request) by providing the name and an array of queries in the request body, and take note of the unique identifier id obtained from the response.
  • Change the batch’s status to scheduled (PUT request) using the id obtained in the previous step. This will start the validation process by putting the batch on a queue.

Start the validation process in the future:

  • Create a new batch object (POST request) by providing only a name in the request body, and take note of the unique identifier id obtained in the response. You can also query a list of pending batches later on if you didn’t take note of the new id.
  • Incrementally append VAT numbers (PUT request) that you want to validate on a deadline. For example you can append the VAT numbers of new users.
  • Once you have collected all VAT numbers which you want to batch process, change the batch’s status to scheduled (PUT request) using the id obtained in the first step. This will start the validation process by putting the batch on a queue.

Batch VAT validations using the dashboard:

You don’t have to use the API if you don’t want to implement batches programmatically. The dashboard lets you upload CSV files conveniently and start the validation process with an easy-to-use interface. All validation results can be downloaded as CSV anytime.

The Batch Object

Key Description
id Unique identifier for the object.
created ISO date at which the object was created.
name Descriptive name of the object.
queries Array of all queries in the order of your input.
queries_ignored Array of all queries which are of invalid format. Ignored queries are automatically identified upon your input. Its items will not be validated.
scheduled ISO date at which the object status was changed to scheduled. Defaults to null while the status is pending.
status Status of the validation process. Batches are initialized with the pending status. You can change the status to scheduled upon which the validation process is scheduled for processing. Once picked up, the status changes to processing. In rare cases, the status can change to error which requires user amendments. If all validations succeeded, the status finally changes to completed.
succeeded_count The number of validations where valid is true or false. It’s an indicator for how far the batch has progressed.
updated ISO date at which the object was updated.
validations Array of the first 20 validation objects in the order of queries. If an id is shown in the object, it was created for the batch and you can retrieve it individually. See validation object for reference.

Create a Batch

Creates a batch object.


Authorize with Secret Key

curl -X POST \
     -H "X-API-KEY: sk_live_c283fd6d793076603646b197c7cb0424" \

Body Parameters

Parameter Description
name required Descriptive name of the batch object. Give it any name you like to serve for your reference.
queries optional Array of VAT numbers to be queried. Should be an array of strings.

The queries array can be left empty if you merely want to create a new batch object and to obtain its unique identifier id for manipulation later on.

Batches will not process until you explicitly change their status field to scheduled. Use a PUT request to change a status. This gives you the opportunity to append queries over time and to start the batch validation process once a deadline is due.


Batch object successfully created.

  "id": "5dae0611273f2a47db1acd27",
  "name": "Validations for November",
  "queries": [],
  "queries_ignored": [],
  "scheduled": null,
  "status": "pending",
  "succeeded_count": 0,
  "validations": {
    "has_more": false,
    "validations": [],
    "validations_count": 0
  "created": "2019-10-21T19:25:05.501Z",
  "updated": "2019-10-21T19:25:05.501Z"

List All Batches

Retrieves all batch objects in order of creation, with the latest appearing highest.


Authorize with Secret Key

curl -X GET \
     -H "X-API-KEY: sk_live_c283fd6d793076603646b197c7cb0424" \

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
limit optional A limit on the number of object to be returned. Limit can be 1 to 100, and the default is 20.
page optional Integer for the current page.
status optional Show only objects with the given status.


Batch objects successfully retrieved. Example includes one valid query and one invalid query.

  "has_more": false,
  "batches_count": 5,
  "batches": [
      "id": "5dae0611273f2a47db1acd27",
      "name": "Validations for November",
      "queries": [
      "queries_count": 2,
      "queries_ignored": [
      "queries_ignored_count": 1,
      "scheduled": null,
      "status": "pending",
      "succeeded_count": 1,
      "created": "2019-10-21T19:25:05.501Z",
      "updated": "2019-10-21T19:43:12.348Z"

Retrieve a Batch

Retrieves a batch object by the :id path parameter.


Authorize with Secret Key

curl -X GET \
     -H "X-API-KEY: sk_live_c283fd6d793076603646b197c7cb0424" \


Batch object successfully retrieved.

  "id": "5dae0611273f2a47db1acd27",
  "name": "Validations for November",
  "queries": [
  "queries_count": 2,
  "queries_ignored": [
  "queries_ignored_count": 1,
  "scheduled": null,
  "status": "pending",
  "succeeded_count": 1,
  "validations": {
    "has_more": false,
    "validations": [
        "query": "DE811128135",
        "valid": null,
        "valid_format": true
    "validations_count": 2
  "created": "2019-10-21T19:25:05.501Z",
  "updated": "2019-10-21T19:43:12.348Z"

Update a Batch

Updates a batch object by the :id path parameter.


Authorize with Secret Key

curl -X PUT \
     -H "X-API-KEY: sk_live_c283fd6d793076603646b197c7cb0424" \

Body Parameters

Parameter Description
mode optional Either append to append an array of queries to the existing array of queries, or replace to empty the existing array of queries prior to adding. Defaults to append.
name optional Descriptive name of the batch object.
queries optional Array of VAT numbers to be added while considering the mode.
status optional Set it to scheduled once you want to schedule the validation process with the queries provided. It’s possible to add queries and change the status in one go.

This method is especially useful if you want to gradually append new VAT numbers over time, for example, towards an upcoming submission deadline for your VAT OSS return. Simply add a queries array to your request body to add new VAT numbers to the batch.

Duplicates will be purged and invalid VAT numbers ignored automatically for you. You don’t have to check whether or not a VAT number already exists in the batch.

Once you are ready to start the validation process, change the status to scheduled. Depending on the availability of various government services, this process can take several hours. It is recommended that you start the batch several days prior to a deadline. In most cases, all validations in a batch should succeed immediately or within a few hours.


Batch object successfully updated.

  "id": "5dae0611273f2a47db1acd27",
  "name": "Validations for November",
  "queries": [
  "queries_count": 2,
  "queries_ignored": [
  "queries_ignored_count": 1,
  "scheduled": "2019-10-22T12:24:42.325Z",
  "status": "scheduled",
  "succeeded_count": 1,
  "validations": {
    "has_more": false,
    "validations": [
        "query": "DE811128135",
        "valid": null,
        "valid_format": true
    "validations_count": 2
  "created": "2019-10-21T19:25:05.501Z",
  "updated": "2019-10-22T12:24:42.843Z"

Delete a Batch

Deletes a batch object by the :id path parameter.


Authorize with Secret Key

curl -X DELETE \
     -H "X-API-KEY: sk_live_c283fd6d793076603646b197c7cb0424" \


Batch object successfully deleted.

  "id": "5dae0611273f2a47db1acd27",
  "deleted": true

Webhook Events

Vatstack can proactively notify your server as soon as a batch was processed. This means that you don’t have to query our API anymore and can instead listen to webhook events.

See our webhooks documentation for more information.

Event Description
batch.failed Batch process could not be completed due to an internal error.
batch.succeeded All queries in the batch process were successfully checked.