
You must collect two pieces of non-contradictory evidence that confirm your customer’s location and keep them on file for 10 years. Therefore measures must be put in place to capture the necessary information that will help to establish where the telecommunications, broadcasting and electronic (TBE) service has been consumed.

VAT E-commerce Package

If you’re a business in the EU with less than 100,000 EUR in cross-border sales of TBE annually, then you only need to collect one piece of non-contradictory customer location evidence.

EU businesses with less than 10,000 EUR in cross-border sales of TBE annually can opt out of VAT OSS altogether. In such cases, you are not obliged to collect any piece of evidence. Set your VAT OSS opt-in status in your dashboard’s regional settings accordingly.

Our article about EU VAT rules for digital businesses has more information on the thresholds.

Types of Evidences

You can store the following pieces of location evidence:

  • Location of the customer’s bank
  • Billing address of the customer (valid only if provided by a 3rd party)
  • IP address of the device used by the customer

All evidence must be gathered from a third party, such as the bank or IP address, and not from the customer directly. After all, the customer could twist the facts to evade paying tax. Nevertheless, we let you store the customer’s full billing address but encourage you to always store the bank’s address and IP address preferentially.

The evidence object can be attached to a supply object and it can only be attached to one supply object at a time.

The Evidence Object

Key Description
id Unique identifier for the object.
bank_address.country_code 2-letter ISO country code of the bank or payment source.
bank_address.name Name of the bank or payment source.
billing_address.city City of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.country_code 2-letter ISO country code of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.line_1 Line 1 of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.line_2 Line 2 of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.postal_code Postal code of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.state State of the customer’s billing address.
created ISO date at which the object was created.
ip_address.label The same IP address coming from the ip_address.label body parameter which will be geolocated automatically.
ip_address.provider Provider used to geolocate ip_address.label. We use MaxMind® GeoIP2 geolocation technology by default but have a number of fallback providers.
ip_address.city City of the geolocated IP address.
ip_address.country_code 2-letter ISO country code of the geolocated IP address.
ip_address.state State of the geolocated IP address.
required_count Required pieces of evidence according to your account’s regional settings.
updated ISO date at which the object was updated.

Create an Evidence

Creates an evidence object.


Authorize with Secret Key

curl -X POST https://api.vatstack.com/v1/evidences \
     -H "X-API-KEY: sk_live_c283fd6d793076603646b197c7cb0424" \

Body Parameters

Parameter Description
bank_address.name optional Name of the bank or payment source used by the customer. This information is usually provided by your payments provider.
bank_address.country_code optional 2-letter ISO country code of the bank or payment source. This information is usually provided by your payments provider.
billing_address.city optional City of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.country_code optional 2-letter ISO country code of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.line_1 optional Line 1 of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.line_2 optional Line 2 of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.postal_code optional Postal code of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.state optional State of the customer’s billing address.
ip_address.label optional IP address of the customer at the time of supply. We will automatically geolocate this IP address and hydrate the other fields.

Note that bank_address, billing_address and ip_address should be sent as objects with nested fields.


Evidence object successfully created.

  "id": "5ed804577853dd1c229f938a",
  "bank_address": {
    "name": "Visa",
    "country_code": "IE"
  "billing_address": {
    "line_1": null,
    "line_2": null,
    "city": "East Wall",
    "country_code": "IE"
    "postal_code": null,
    "state": "Leinster",
  "created": "2020-06-03T20:13:12.437Z",
  "ip_address": {
    "label": "",
    "provider": "MaxMind GeoIP2",
    "city": "East Wall",
    "state": "Leinster",
    "country_code": "IE"
  "required_count": 1,
  "updated": "2020-06-03T20:13:12.437Z"

List All Evidences

Retrieves all evidence objects in order of creation, with the most recent appearing highest.


Authorize with Secret Key

curl -X GET https://api.vatstack.com/v1/evidences \
     -H "X-API-KEY: sk_live_c283fd6d793076603646b197c7cb0424" \

Query Parameters

Parameter Description
limit optional Limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 20.
page optional Integer for the current page.


Evidence objects successfully retrieved.

  "has_more": false,
  "evidences_count": 9,
  "evidences": [
      "id": "5ed804577853dd1c229f938a",
      "bank_address": {
        "name": "Visa",
        "country_code": "IE"
      "billing_address": {
        "line_1": null,
        "line_2": null,
        "city": "East Wall",
        "country_code": "IE"
        "postal_code": null,
        "state": "Leinster",
      "created": "2020-06-03T20:13:12.437Z",
      "ip_address": {
        "label": "",
        "provider": "MaxMind GeoIP2",
        "city": "East Wall",
        "state": "Leinster",
        "country_code": "IE"
      "required_count": 1,
      "updated": "2020-06-03T20:13:12.437Z"

Retrieve an Evidence

Retrieves an evidence object by the :id path parameter.


Authorize with Secret Key

curl -X GET https://api.vatstack.com/v1/evidences/:id \
     -H "X-API-KEY: sk_live_c283fd6d793076603646b197c7cb0424" \


Evidence object successfully retrieved.

  "id": "5ed804577853dd1c229f938a",
  "bank_address": {
    "name": "Visa",
    "country_code": "IE"
  "billing_address": {
    "line_1": null,
    "line_2": null,
    "city": "East Wall",
    "country_code": "IE"
    "postal_code": null,
    "state": "Leinster",
  "created": "2020-06-03T20:13:12.437Z",
  "ip_address": {
    "label": "",
    "provider": "MaxMind GeoIP2",
    "city": "East Wall",
    "state": "Leinster",
    "country_code": "IE"
  "required_count": 1,
  "updated": "2020-06-03T20:13:12.437Z"

Update an Evidence

Updates an evidence object by the :id path parameter.


Authorize with Secret Key

curl -X PUT https://api.vatstack.com/v1/evidences/:id \
     -H "X-API-KEY: sk_live_c283fd6d793076603646b197c7cb0424" \

Body Parameters

Parameter Description
bank_address.name optional Name of the bank or payment source used by the customer. This information is usually provided by your payments provider.
bank_address.country_code optional 2-letter ISO country code of the bank or payment source. This information is usually provided by your payments provider.
billing_address.city optional City of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.country_code optional 2-letter ISO country code of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.line_1 optional Line 1 of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.line_2 optional Line 2 of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.postal_code optional Postal code of the customer’s billing address.
billing_address.state optional State of the customer’s billing address.
ip_address.label optional IP address of the customer at the time of supply. We will automatically geolocate this IP address and hydrate the other fields.

Note that bank_address, billing_address and ip_address should be sent as objects with nested fields.


Evidence object successfully updated.

  "id": "5ed804577853dd1c229f938a",
  "bank_address": {
    "name": "Visa",
    "country_code": "IE"
  "billing_address": {
    "line_1": null,
    "line_2": null,
    "city": "East Wall",
    "country_code": "IE"
    "postal_code": null,
    "state": "Leinster",
  "created": "2020-06-03T20:13:12.437Z",
  "ip_address": {
    "label": "",
    "provider": "MaxMind GeoIP2",
    "city": "East Wall",
    "state": "Leinster",
    "country_code": "IE"
  "required_count": 1,
  "updated": "2020-06-03T21:32:54.245Z"